Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Dogs

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Wearing: Lark and Wolf Shirt, Tikrani Tank, Keds, Silver Skinnies
By far the best thing about coming home is having puppies to play with. The brown one is a Cairn, Willie, and the White one, a Westie, is Flannigan. They are absolutely the best. My brother took these pictures, he's learning. It's wierd to come home from school just for a weekend, but I've been doing it a lot lately.
Something about eating really well, playing with dogs, and making things with my mom just keeps beckoning me back.


  1. Dogs are the best friends man could ever have!

  2. Thanks for commenting on my blog!

    Cute outfit!

  3. Hope you are having a Wonderful Easter Day!!!

  4. Awww they are so cute! Happy easter!

  5. Aw, what cute doggies! I love spending time with my family, too.
