Thursday, May 21, 2009

Summer Shapes

Wearing: Urban Outfitter Shorts, Michael Kors Sandals, Vintage Top, Necklace, and Scarf  worn as a belt

It finally feels like summer it was close to 80 degrees today and sunny. 
I had so much fun layering on top, but still managing bare shoulders and two crazy prints.
I have a small gripe with the April Vogue, I know... late. So it claims to be the "shape issue" embracing all different shapes of normal women. There's a section on short, tall, athletic, curvy, and skinny. Where's the part for the normal girls? The ones like me who are 5'6" and don't really fit into any of the above categories.
And.. on top of it, the editorials are still all featuring standard model-sized models. Its disappointing to realize that natural beauty and size is only okay when its used to sell magazines. :(


  1. Clever that scarf worn as a belt! I might just steal that idea! :)

  2. Look how cute you are on the deck! I'm stoked the sun finally came out!

  3. Can short, tall, athletic, curvy or skinny models pull off the casually-cool, standin-on-the-fence-of-my-deck-like-no-big-deal look as well? I beg to differ.

  4. Thank you for your comment :)
    I love your blog ;)

  5. love these pictures ! You look great , your outfits are beautiful !
