So... After a long hiatus due to intense world traveling and interning in Washington D.C. I have decided for multiple reasons to change and move my blog. I just wasn't happy with the name anymore and the graphics didn't quite cut it. So I'm changing my blog and changing some of the themes. It will still be fashion oriented but include more diys, interior decor, and inspiration. Please come follow me at my new home..
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wearing: Richard Chai for Target Top, Earnest Sewn Jeans, Vintage Bag
Still kickin it Oslo style. This is at the base of the Opera House in Oslo. It looks like an arctic glacier and reflects the sun just as much. Super sleek and white, with by far the classiest bathrooms in the city. Architectural details transcend exterior details when the walls of bathrooms are shiny purple glass. I just went to Bergen for the weekend, which was a little like a time-warp to a time of dried cod and cobblestones. So incredibly beautiful and quaint, but I am glad to be back in Oslo. I have a feeling this week will be filled with art museums and leisurely saunters, and Harry Potter 6 TOMORROW!
And...why would I ever leave?
Monday, July 6, 2009
I want to apologize for my lack of posts. I've been in Norway for the past week and will be here for another 6 weeks. I have never been anywhere as incredible as this. This picture is me on top of Besseggen, a mountain that requires a 700 m climb and is in the middle of a 30km hike. Quite the way to spend the 4th of July weekend if I do say so myself.
I will do my best to update more frequently, but it certainly isn't easy when all I want to do is outside and soak up every minute of Oslo I can.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Time Travel
For me, this would be the ultimate travel outfit. Wearable even in different eras. One part bohemian chic, one part practical explorer.... The ultimate outfit.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane
As I begin to prepare for a rather hefty jaunt in the Land Of The Midnight Sun, the question I seem to find myself asking most is not, " What should I bring," but rather " How is this all going to fit?"
As you can see in this photo, I have begun to lay out all the necessary clothing articles I may need during 7 weeks in Oslo.
For the most part, this is all that's going with me plus or minus a few new items, but not including toiletries, electronics, reading materials, a pillow, or a towel. See how the question of fit comes to play. Somehow, whether by grace of god or sheer fate, I will manage to be able to fit it within the restrictions on checked luggage set forth by the airline. The true mystery of whether or not I can move all of it myself once I arrive in said destination is yet to be determined.
Though my family may smirk at the immense amount of stuff going with me, I am inclined to reply... "but what if I need that?" And its true, during seven weeks anything can happen, and I will be fully prepared. Whether it's a black lace dress and heels or a north face and hiking shoes, its all laid out, ready for the suitcase to carry them along on my totally exciting (next) journey.
You're not a heavy packer if you can fit it in one bag... right?
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Hippie Day Dreams

It also just makes me think of the merry pranksters and the summer of love, and very little makes me happier than hippie day dreaming.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
I went to Frontera Grill over the weekend, Rick Bayless's restaurant. The food was incredible, it was so fresh tasting and really spicy. My aunt is a caterer and worked with him last weekend on a big fancy wedding in Rhode Island, so when we went this weekend, they gave us this beautiful dessert plate. The flan was by far my favorite, but I can't say I didn't enjoy the chocolate pecan pie or the sorbet and fruit tart combo.
I really need to eat like this more often.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Picnic Triptych
I would like to point out how difficult it is to photograph animals. They really hate looking at the camera, and you end up doing goofy things like this in attempts to capture them on film.
I had no such luck. My dogs... not models.
Wearing: Anthropologie Tunic, Thrifted Cutoffs, Dolce Vita Sandals (barely visible)
It's memorial day and I have the day off! That means, picnics and sunshine for me.
Happy Memorial Day!
Hope all of you are spending it well with your families and the summertime weather!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Summer Shapes
Wearing: Urban Outfitter Shorts, Michael Kors Sandals, Vintage Top, Necklace, and Scarf worn as a belt
It finally feels like summer it was close to 80 degrees today and sunny.
I had so much fun layering on top, but still managing bare shoulders and two crazy prints.
I have a small gripe with the April Vogue, I know... late. So it claims to be the "shape issue" embracing all different shapes of normal women. There's a section on short, tall, athletic, curvy, and skinny. Where's the part for the normal girls? The ones like me who are 5'6" and don't really fit into any of the above categories.
And.. on top of it, the editorials are still all featuring standard model-sized models. Its disappointing to realize that natural beauty and size is only okay when its used to sell magazines. :(
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Summer in the City
This is why Chicago is the best city. It looks like this. Thank you Frank Lloyd Wright! This is for sure the only city in the world that has prairie flowers overwhelming skyscrapers.
This is a view from a reflection stream in Millenium Park. We went to the Art Institute to see the new Modern Wing, which is absolutely amazing. It's totally beautiful, very sleek and white, and houses about twice as much modern art as was in the museum previously. Best of all.. Its totally free forever. If your ever in Chicago.. you must check it out.
Wearing: Urban Outfitters Shorts and Sweater, Lark and Wolf Oxford, Michael Kors Shoes, Vintage backpack
We went and sat by the lake for a bit. The sailboats looked so beautiful against the deep blue water. I felt that despite the rediculous color palette of my outfit, it looked rather east-coast country club. I haven't unpacked a thing since moving back home, so I really didn't have a whole lot of options. Despite the plain aspect of the outfit, it was comfortable and the colors were super goofy!
And this is my boyfriend Michael... he was my companion on my city adventure yesterday. He takes all my wonderful pictures and is just as fun as he is adorable. He also takes the crown as the best shopping buddy ever. He successfully talked me out of every single item I considered, including the perfect yellow silk ruffle tunic..
I dreamed about it last night, but really shouldn't be spending any money before my big trip, so I'll take it as a minor loss.
Overall.. best first summer day in the city yet!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Wearing: Anthropologie Dress, Australia Sweater
My brother went to his senior prom and this is before picture time. He looked so dapper in his tuxedo. My mom insisted on taking a picture of the two of us, and this was us, giving some sass.
I just came home for the summer today, and it's so weird being home. There's a ton of food and its always really quiet. Totally different from school.
I also.. purchased a new camera and have been taking pictures like this...
Hooray its finally summer!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Thunderstorms and Lightning Wars

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Momma Hen
So since it is Mother's day and all, I felt it very appropriate to post about how wonderful my mother is.
She is my biggest fan and supporter. She's taught me how to sew and create.
But most importantly, she's taught me the value of kindness. She truly is the kindest, most caring person I have ever met and I am so lucky to have such a wonderful mother.
Even better than that.. she's my best friend too!
p.s. sorry mom about the old picture :)
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Image via We Heart It
Finals week is when I wish most that I was a fairy. Particularly so I could spend this sunny 80 degree day flying amongst the trees and having tea on flowers, rather than sitting in a library staring blankly at math I don't understand and writing papers about aesthetic theory.
I'll be back with some regular posting by monday hopefully...
Monday, May 4, 2009
Chromatic Schematic
(Wearing: BDG Tee, Gap Skirt, Michael Kors Sandals)
It is a very rare day that I wear black, let alone only black and white, but the hazy day and the stressful undertones of the last Monday of the school year called for it. These photographs were taken by a side door on a house from around 1860. I love old houses like this where the paint is chipping and you can't help but wonder what it was like when it was first built. Even the windows look original. They're so thick and bumpy. It gives me kind of a haunted feeling, similarly to grey days.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Life at the Cafe

As finals are approaching, I'm finding myself spending more and more time at cafes. Trying to stay awake while indulging in tea and coffee is probably my favorite part about finals ( if its even allowed to have a favorite part). Well, when I was stumbling through Rodney Smith's photo archive, I came across these two photographs. While normally his photography stuns me for its surrealistic qualities and clever use of umbrellas. I thought that these two photos were particularly relevant to my cafe indulgent week ahead.
I also fell in love with the contrast between the black and white Parisian cafe, and the vibrant colorful Italian Cafe. I kept trying to think of the statement being made of whether one is better than the other, but I found that is not the case. Both are beautiful for their own reasons independently. The Parisian woman in her white ball gown looks like something out of day dream, while the Italians remind one of a pleasant afternoon laughing with friends. Both are lovely in their own respects. I also think that the juxtaposition of the two says something of black and white vs. color. Neither is more appropriate than the other.
Life is both, so wear both. Your surroundings and the atmosphere will color themselves to match.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Flowers Go Marching 2 by 2
Wearing: Anthropologie Top, Vintage Belt, H & M Skirt, Seychelles Wedges
In an effort to make my daily wear more print ready, I have been trying to layer and wear things together that I've never worn before. Particularly in playing with patterns. I was surprised to find how much I loved this floral/firework combination.
And.. Sidenote!
So, this skirt was on clearance but it was a size 6 and I'm normally a size 0. I couldn't pass it up for ten dollars, but to this day every time I wear it, the fit irritates me ( particularly that it won't stay at my waist). My new goal to try and stop shopping so much is to only buy pieces that truly fit me incredibly. It may just be a theory and won't work in real life, but might as well give it a shot!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Build a Great Big Wall In China
Wearing: Anthropologie Pleated Sweater, Vintage Shoes and Belt, Thrifted China Dress, Vintage Lace, Favorite Earrings
Climbing trees in stiff red leather flats... perfect spring morning. This dress is one of my favorite thrift finds ever because the print is a landscape of rice farmers in China. I also love that its super thin and sheer. Probably the best windy day dress ever :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Thrift For The Earth
Wearing: Vintage Dress, Vintage Ralph Lauren Sweater, Sheer Tights, Braided Belt, Vintage Shoes
I absolutely love when just by coincidence everything I'm wearing is either vintage or thrifted. If I do say so myself it is the perfect type of outfit to wear on Earth Day when conserving the resources of the planet is at the front of everyone's mind. However, despite my caring for the earth, the earth did not care for my outfit. It was so windy that I ended up having to change to avoid a risk of my skirt blowing up for everyone to see my behind. It was such a shame, I was really looking forward to wearing this all day. Oh well, at least I have pictures to remember what to wear on a not so blustery day.
How do you feel about earth conscious fashion? Is it more important to buy recycled clothing or buy new clothing made from sustainable materials? I suppose this could be an interesting debate!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Odile and Odette
I got the strangest feeling of inspiration today. I was walking to class and listening to my ipod on shuffle when
Dance Of The Guests And Dwarfs from the ballet Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky came on. Being an off and on again rainy day, it just fit. I became so inspired. It is the most beautiful love story about magic and the forces of love, and with of course incredible dancing, mistaken identities, and princes. What could be better?

Source: Wikipedia

I have decided to make a small collection based off both the ballet costume aesthetics as well as the story of
Swan Lake, itself. How can one go wrong with chiffon pieces based off princes falling in love with swans and evil sorcerers? Hopefully I'll be able to get some sketches down soon and be able to start sewing when I get home from school. I expect I will definitely be able to get this project done by the time I leave for Oslo in June, so keep your eyes out :)
As for now, I will continue to be in the 1% of people under 25 who listens to ballet music.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
It was definitely a really good time, but me being as in love with patterns as I am had a very difficult time picking out what to wear. I was amazed to find that the only complete solid color outfit I could come up with was gold.
Think of it as the pot at the end of the rainbow.
Wearing: H & M sweater, Vintage Lion Belt, Urban Outfitters Shoes, Vintage Esprit Skirt
Photographs by Kaori Sato
I have to admit though, I loved wearing all gold. And this skirt, which I had never worn before, will definitely be put into rotation more often.
This is what a monochromatic party looks like.
Definitely a Rainbow Of Some Really Great People!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Porcupine Provision Does Not Rhyme With Parisian
Wearing: Urban Tank, Anthropologie Wrap, Vintage Earrings, Faded Jeans ( not pictured)
Thursdays are either very relaxing or very hectic. This one is a combination.
I had class, then a large break then have class right before I have to go to work.
It might be the first legitimate day of spring, which is greatly appreciated.
I couldn't muster up the energy to try a new outfit and stuck to a classic.
Ruffles, Cardigan, and Intense Accessories--- My style in a Nutshell.
These are some of my favorite earrings ever.
They are so large and over the top. I'm pretty sure I got them at a small thrift store,
but I can imagine finding them at a Bohemian Market in Paris.
They make any outfit just a little bit more out there ( which I like!)
As a college student with little money and even less time,
I mostly eat oatmeal, pasta, or sometimes frozen vegetables.
Needless to say, I'm sick of it and I felt like baking today. I went to the grocery store with a list of ingredients and came home to bake.
This is a Green Onion and Swiss Quiche made from combining multiple recipes.
I'm actually rather surprised it came out as good as it did.
The perfect lunch!
For dessert, I made a Blackberry- Banana Bread made from altering this recipe from Chocolate and Zucchini ( my favorite place to find recipes)
I simply substituted blackberries for cranberries and found myself with the most delicious purple treat.
I feel like today is a Paris kind of Day.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Plaid and Lace Win The Race!!
Wearing: Vintage Christian Dior Shirt, Anthropologie Knit Military Jacket, Gap Body Knit Slip, UO lace tights, Vintage Red Flats
So this is a pretty typical day, just hanging out with some public sculpture.
Just Kidding!
I don't normally wear red or black, so I felt a little gutsy walking out of my apartment before class, but I love the plaid with the lace. There's something punk and demure about it.
And.. new changes to the blog.
I added Bloglovin' so now you can follow me through that if you wish. And I sure hope you do!
And I also am in the process of adding link lists, so if you would like to link up, leave a comment or an email.
And..I got a Header!!
P.S. The song of the day is Trades and Tariffs by The Dodos.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Firelight Fireflies

When I sound the fairy call,
Gather here in silent meeting,
Chin to knee on the orchard wall,
Cooled with dew and cherries eating.
Merry, merry, Take a cherry
Mine are sounder, Mine are rounder
Mine are sweeter, For the eater
When the dews fall. And you'll be fairies all.
~Robert Graves, "Cherry-Time," Fairies and Fusiliers, 1918
Gather here in silent meeting,
Chin to knee on the orchard wall,
Cooled with dew and cherries eating.
Merry, merry, Take a cherry
Mine are sounder, Mine are rounder
Mine are sweeter, For the eater
When the dews fall. And you'll be fairies all.
~Robert Graves, "Cherry-Time," Fairies and Fusiliers, 1918
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